Excellence in Assisted Living for the Clermont Community

16401 Good Hearth Boulevard, Clermont, FL

Truly Unique Assisted Living

A place of love & support where independence thrives


Assisted Living Facilities in Clermont

Searching through Clermont assisted living facilities to find the right care can feel daunting and confusing. With so many options, how can you ensure the best care for your loved one?

Talk to us.

Benton House of Clermont is prepared to help you explore all options to find not just the best care, but the right care. We apply our insights, experience, and knowledge to review all available care. To ensure that you feel at ease knowing your loved one receives the care they need. Even if your ultimate choice is not Benton House.

We simply want to help as many families as possible. Planning for successful aging takes careful planning. And with our resources, you can find the plan that best fits your needs.

Care Based on Needs

One of the most important facets of our care is taking the time to get to know our residents. To learn who they are as a person allows us to welcome them into the family and we can learn their needs. With this approach, we develop a plan of care that is tailored to the needs of each resident.

Which ensures residents receive comprehensive care and enjoy as much independence as possible. Services can include:

  • Sensory Aids—We are available to help with the maintenance and cleaning of glasses, hearing aids, and other sensory support devices
  • Bathing—Our restrooms support independence and services range from preparing bath items to dignified personal assistance
  • Dressing—Services can be as simple as helping with socks or as comprehensive as wardrobe selection and help to dress

We strive to ensure residents do not have to choose between a lifestyle and their needs to get the most out of living.

If you would like to learn more, please call 352-604-4700 and speak with one of our representatives. They can discuss your needs in more detail and can answer questions regarding our assisted living facilities in Clermont. Or send us a message by filling out the form found on this page and we will contact you soon!

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Assisted Living Facilities in Clermont - Couple hugging and laughing

Assisted Living

Independence, dignity and choice for Clermont

Assisted Living Facilities in Clermont - Resident and Caregiver

Memory Care

Innovative design developed with passion and purpose.

Assisted Living Facilities in Clermont - Residents in an exercise class

Community Events

We plan Daily, Weekly, and Monthly events for all residents to enjoy


Plenty of Personal Space

Living within a community does not mean you give up on your personal space. Benton House features a variety of apartment sizes and styles to match a variety of tastes and budgets.

Every apartment provides residents with plenty of space they can make their own with belongings. So, residents enjoy a warm home with all the right touches. Where friends are just around the corner. And no matter which apartment you choose, you are always near the center of activity.

Residents can also enjoy community amenities that include:

  • Personal Emergency Systems—Every resident receives a personal emergency pendant that ensures help is available if needed
  • Single Level Design—Our entire community is on one level, eliminating the need for stairs
  • Apartment Services—Daily, weekly, laundry, and linen services
  • Dining—A restaurant-style menu with a dozen daily options

Award-Winning Services

Our residents are our family. We serve them with compassion, dignity, and respect. Because of our commitment to service, and the work of an exceptional team. Benton House of Clermont has received several awards.

We are distinguished recipients of multiple Pinnacle Customer Experience awards. US News & World Report has named Benton House Best Assisted Living and Best Memory Care. Our company is proud to be named a Great Place To Work by our team for five consecutive years. And Fortune magazine has named us a Top 50 company in Aging Services nationwide.

To learn more about our assisted living facilities, please call 352-604-4700 and speak with one of our associates. They can provide more information about our solutions and can help you schedule a visit. You can also send us a message by filling out the form found on this page, and we will contact you shortly.

Assisted Living Facilities in Clermont - Residents on a walk
Assisted Living Facilities in Clermont - Community dining room

The Premier Assisted Living Center for Clermont

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