The Confident Caregiver
Tips and Tools for Senior Support
Helping Your Aging Parents Plan for the Future
Helping Your Aging Parents Plan for the Future Have you mapped out a plan with your aging parents to address what will be done as they move toward...
7 Types of Elder Abuse, and How You Can Help Keep Your Loved One Safe
If you’re a caregiver to a senior loved one, you probably know this unfortunate reality: while abuse can happen to anyone, older people are...
Signs of Loneliness in Seniors, and How to Help Your Loved One Feel More Connected
If you're a caregiver to an older adult, it's helpful to be aware of signs of loneliness in seniors. If you ask us, it’s a subject that doesn’t get...
Hurricane Prep for Seniors: 5 Ways to Support Your Loved One
If you’re a caregiver for a senior loved one, particularly one who lives alone, supporting them with disaster preparedness is undoubtedly a...
Tornado Safety Tips for Seniors
Does your loved one live alone? Do they live in an area that tornadoes commonly pass through each year? If so, then tornado safety for seniors is...
Creating a Senior Exercise Program For Both Physical Fitness and Fun
You’re a caregiver who knows that your aging loved one needs a senior exercise program to feel their best both today and tomorrow. You want to help...
Senior Fitness: The Three Types of Exercise Older Adults Need
As a caregiver, do you ever wonder how important senior fitness actually is? Do you feel unsure sometimes how to support your aging parent or loved...
Adult Day Programs and Respite Care: How They Help Both Caregivers and Seniors
Both adult day programs and respite care services can be invaluable resources for caregivers of seniors. There are countless reasons why you as a...
Preventing Medication Errors in the Elderly
As a caregiver for a senior loved one, do you ever worry if they understand their prescription regiment? Or feel unsure of whether they can...
Let Benton House Help
Choosing the best option for you or a senior loved one can be a confusing and overwhelming process. Let our staff help explain all your options, not just your Benton House options. At Benton House we stand ready to serve you, even if we’re not your ultimate choice.